Luis Ramiro has shared the stage with Marwan, Carlos Chaouen and Conchita.ĭuring his career, Luis Ramiro has performed at a large number of benefit concerts (Down syndrome, cancer, Valdemoro Prison, Saharaui Town, AIDS, child maltreatment, anorexity). In 2012 he won the Premios Guilles as best songwriter. In 2011 he received for second year a nomination for the Premios Guilles as best songwriter. He released his third album El Mundo por Delante (All the World is Waiting for You) on March 8, 2011.

In 2010 he was nominee for the Premios Guilles (Guilles Awards) also named Premios la Noche en Vivo (Nightlife Awards) as best songwriter. Dramas y Caballeros was a nominee for the Latin Grammy Awards of 2009: Best Recording Package. The second disc Dramas y Caballeros (Drama and Gentlemen) was published in 2009. His first disc was Castigado en el Cielo (Punishment in Heaven) in 2007. That award allowed his participation in representing Spain in the Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (September 22, 2005, Naples). In 2004 he won the Certamen Jóvenes Creadores (Young Creators Award). He was born in Madrid (23 April 1976) at San Cristóbal de los Ángeles. Luis Ramiro is a Spanish singer-songwriter.